Yoga and its world

Explore pranayama, bastrika, kapalabati, vipassana, and more for a holistic yoga experience at Blue Indigo Yoga Retreat.

Yoga and Techniques for your retreat

Yoga aims to control and calm the mind, recognizing a detached witnessing consciousness untouched by the mind and worldly suffering. It includes a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices that aim at this end. Dynamic yoga practices, such as Ashtanga and Vinyasa, focus on loosening and strengthening the body, as well as improving the cardiovascular system. Other styles of yoga emphasize specific aspects of the practice, such as body alignment in Iyengar yoga. In summary, the practice of yoga brings together meditation, breathing and concentration exercises, allowing a true union with oneself, with the universe and the living world.







Yoga Techniques Offered

Explore various yoga techniques such as pranayama, bastrika, kapalabati, and vipassana for holistic well-being at Blue Indigo yoga Retreat.

Anapana & Vipassana
Meditation - 6Am

Join our Vipassana meditation classes to enhance mindfulness and inner peace in your life.

Vinyasa & Flow

Session -10Am

Embark on a transformative journey with our yoga retreats focusing on different yoga practices.

Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body

Holistic Yin Yoga
Session - 5 PM
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

I have learned so much about different yoga techniques from this website. Blue indigo retreat, Highly recommend!

Yoga Lover

woman doing yoga near rock during daytime
woman doing yoga near rock during daytime

The variety of yoga practices offered on this site is amazing. Truly a one-stop shop!

Happy Customer

woman standing with her one leg
woman standing with her one leg

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for more information on yoga and various techniques we offer.