Hatha Yoga 300H TTC

Deepen your yoga teacher journey: discover the whole yogic lifestyle

Upcoming TTC:

To be determined soon.


Limited space to ensure best student-teacher interactions, so sign-up as soon as possible. Only students with 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training Course certificate can join.

About this Teacher Training Course

A certified course

During this course, you will learn all the aspects of yoga, from the physical level (including advanced asanas) to yoga philosophy, Ayurveda, anatomy, yoga therapy and meditation, with a deep focus on teaching methodologies and techniques. We will prepare you to become an independent fully qualified yoga teacher. After the course, you can become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT 300) with Yoga Alliance International.

Yogic lifestyle

To take part in this course, you already need to have done a 200H TTCYou will discover that yoga is not only a physical practice, but much more than that. We will introduce you to the whole yogic lifestyleIn one month you will have an auspicious opportunity to travel inside of your soul, to explore what is hidden within you and you will find a supportive environment for your self-development. The teachers will make sure to focus on each of the student’s needs and progress.

Course highlights

  • Small class sizes (max 10 persons)
  • Daily morning personal practice with assistance.
  • Daily advanced Hatha Yoga classes with practice and study of asanas, pranayama, mudras, mantras and meditation
  • Study of 120 asanas in detail with alignment, contraindications, physical and spiritual benefits, counter and follow up poses and modifications.
  • Pranayama classes from traditional yogic books
  • Daily theory classes on yoga philosophy.
  • Theory of Yoga Therapy + Practical Yoga Therapy classes
  • Daily classes in anatomy and physiology
  • Alignments and adjustments, with modifications for different asanas
  • Teaching methodology classes with a proper opportunity for students to teach to the group and outside guests.
  • Kirtans (singing meditaiton) and sound healing sessions
  • Sharing circles with the group.
  • Games for group bonding and deepening of yoga knowledge.
  • Karma Yoga (either at Blue Indigo or at a pagoda)
  • Opening and closing ceremony with Buddhist monks

You will learn

  • How to improve your personal Hatha yoga practice.
  • How to practice and teach advanced Hatha Yoga poses safely.
  • How to theme and teach a Hatha class with creative sequencing
  • Advanced Pranayama breathing and meditation techniques.
  • Benefits and practices of many Mudras.
  • In depth principles and philosophy of yoga (Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Bhagavad Gita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika).
  • Advanced Traditional Ayurveda theory classes.
  • Yogic cleansing methods: Jala Neti, Sutra Neti, Tratak, Kunjal, Shankhaprakshalana and Kapalbhati.
  • Anatomy for a safe yoga practice for different types of bodies.
  • How to read the body of your students in a pose and how to adjust them safely, help them to get deeper in the poses.
  • How to connect with your students and how to use your voice during the class.
  • Yoga therapy principles for yourself and your students.
  • How to modify the poses for your student’s needs with a chair and other props.
  • Chanting and meanings of mantras.

Course time allocation

Techniques, Training and Practice – 130hours
Asana practice, asana training,asana alignment, pranayama/meditation, kriyas, Bhakti yoga, Dhyana/meditation and selfstudy time.

Teaching Methodology – 40hours
Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, and the student’s process of learning, business aspect of yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology – 30hours
Physical/astral/energy/subtle Anatomy and Physiology, benefits of asanas, contraindications.

Psychology and Spirituality – 20hours
Chitta, Manas, Buddhi, Ahamkara, Alayavjnana, Smriti, Samskaras, Vasanas, Koshas and Chakras, Marmas, Nadis, etc.

Yoga Philosophy, ethics and lifestyle – 30hours
Study of Yoga Scriptures (Yoga Sutras, Patanjali, Bhagavad Gita, etc.), ethics for the yoga teacher, and yogic lifestyle. Along with a general introduction of Ayurveda and yoga therapy.

Practice – 30hours
Includes practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others teaching and giving feedback. Also includes assisting students while someone else is teaching.

Self study – 20hours
Assignments and exams.

There are also some extra activities that can be arranged such as:
– Full day trip to Phnom Kulen National Park
– A trip to Beng Malea, the jungle temple
– Boat trip in Kompong Khleang floating village
– Phare show, the Cambodian Circus
… and many more…


Blue Indigo Yoga Siem Reap

Daily schedule

Wake up and self practice
Yogic cleansing using methods learned

General yoga asana class


Yoga philosophy class
Ayurveda theory class

11:00AM -12:00PM
Yoga asana

Sunday a full day off.

Schedule is subject to change.


Self study
Assignment preparations
Private discussions with the teachers

Yoga Therapy

General yoga asana class
Yoga Therapy practical

Bhakti Yoga

Cooking/going out for dinner
Self practice

Personal study and examination

At Blue Indigo Yoga we think it is important that you not only participate in the classes, but we stimulate an active learning attitude. This is how you get the most out of your Yoga Teacher Training Course! And of course we are happy to help you study. 


At the start of the TTC we ask you to choose four asanas, two pranayama techniques and one mudra. Besides doing these asanas, pranayamas and mudra every day during your personal practice to observe the changes and improvements on a physical, mental and spiritual level, you write a paper with all the information about the asanas, pranayamas and mudra: how to perform them, contraindications, physical and spiritual benefits, counter and follow up poses, and so on.

Daily Journal

The Daily Journal is a summary of your learning, experience, practice and activities which you go through during the whole TTC. Every day you will send an email to your teachers containing a summary of your learning experience on the topics covered in each class, during your personal practice and meditation. If you have any questions, suggestions or difficulties you couldn’t express during the day, feel free to mention them in your Daily Journal as well. Your teachers will read and answer your emails every day.


There will be a practical and a written component. The written exam will cover highlights of yoga history and philosophy, anatomy and alignment, teaching techniques such as cueing and how to assist/adjust, sequencing, contraindications for certain injuries or conditions and appropriate modifications, and a mishmash of practical matters including the ethics of teaching. We will clearly inform you which topics to study. 

During the course you will teach 2-3 full yoga classes, depending on the group size. In the practical component of the exam you will be asked to teach 10+ minutes (longer if it’s a smaller group), it will include one of your asanas chosen of your Project. 

exam TTC Blue Indigo Yoga Siem Reap

Meet your teachers



500H Yoga Alliance certified teacher from India

“I have been practicing yoga since my childhood, but since 2015 I have dedicated my life to the studies of yoga through travels in India to different ashrams. For me yoga is not only about asanas (postures) but a complete lifestyle. Following all the Yamas and Niyamas, I concentrate on an individual’s lifestyle while teaching. My sessions are specialized and I mainly focus on classes which include relaxing, energizing and stress free yoga techniques.

My key points in teaching, adhering to Patanjali, are: ‘Sthiram sukham asanam’: Being stable and happy in a posture, and ‘Yogas chitta vritti nirodah’: Yoga is the cessation of the modifications of mind.”



500H Yoga Alliance certified teacher from Czech Republic

“I am passionate about yoga therapy and how yoga can help and improve our daily life. I was introduced to yoga in 2015, since that time I am continuously searching and studying this amazing spiritual and ancient wisdom. It is fabulous, Indian yogis have discovered thousands of years ago how yoga can be beneficial for our bodies and souls. I believe that their wisdom involves all the modern researches and knowledge, it is just said with different words. I like to search for the meeting points of traditional spiritual knowledge and modern anatomical explanations.

For me, yoga simply means happiness.


Ready to book? Send us a message and we will come back to you.

More information

About Blue Indigo

Blue Indigo Yoga Siem Reap

Blue Indigo Yoga is an intimate yoga cottage downtown Siem Reap, only minutes away from the city center, but tucked in lush natural gardens. This place was built from the ground up, with the vision to be a place to immerse yourself into wellness. 

Comfortable cottages

rooms blue indigo yoga siem reap

You’ll have the choice of staying in a dorm, shared twin cottage, or private cottage. All rooms have a hot shower, van and mosquito net. 

Healthy vegetarian meals

Food Blue Indigo Yoga Siem Reap

Within our program, we will provide you with 2 vegetarian homemade meals, made from ingredients that our local cooks carefully select daily in the market. Any dietary requirements or allergies can be carefully catered.


What People Are Saying about Blue Indigo

“I really appreciate my experience, knowledge and skills I gained throughout this TTC. Michaela and Shiva are very knowledgeable in the subjects taught and I feel like I was easily able to expand my practice with their help. They are encouraging and positive. I would definitely recommend it to others. I would like to give something to improve on, however I think their work is really 100%. My biggest struggle was the long hours, but this is a part of the process.” 


200H TTC Hatha Yoga

“Intense, professional, mind blowing and lovely. It has been a very nice physical, psychological and spiritual experience!
The teachers are great, kind, profesional and knowleageable. The place is peaceful, the food is great. Would recommend it for sure. I feel light and new, I sharpenned myself is the good way.”


200H TTC Hatha Yoga

I spent an amazing month doing my TTC at Blue Indigo. It’s a very special place, welcoming and peaceful, with wonderful, talented teachers. I had a fantastic experience and learned so much more than what I’d expected. Whether you come for one session or for one month (or more!) I can highly recommend it.


200H TTC Hatha Yoga

Questions about the TTC?

Or ready to book? Send us a message and we will come back to you.

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